H NMR Diagnostic Peak Areas and How these Diagnostic Areas can Change - Worked through Problem
This helpful handout provides a detailed description of how to determine where hydrogen peaks will occur in a H NMR based on their chemical environment. I include a table that helps visualize and learn where the H's apart of functional groups will most LIKELY occur (general region on the H NMR).
I then work through my thought process on how to determine if a hydrogen peak will get more electron poor or electron rich based on the chemical environment.
I've condensed the theories behind these reactions into an easily digestible format, allowing you to grasp the fundamental principles effortlessly.
I hope this helps! I will make a more challenging handout after this, but to do the hardest questions one must always start by ensuring they know all the concepts at a BASIC level.
Please send reviews to mastroiannisam@yahoo.ca as I would love to hear all of your feedback as your opinion means the most to me. I appreciate you all!